Brighton & South Downs

Campaign for Real Ale

Campaign for Real Ale

Branch News

  • Minutes of AGM 8 december 2024 Thursday 12 December 2024

    Minutes of the Annual General Meeting held on Sunday 8 December 2024 starting at 3pm at the Lewes Arms, Lewes (upstairs room).

    Members Present: Jason Phillips Roland Howe John Kirkland Richard Williams Eamonn Costello Richard Gandey Adrian Heft James Graham Chris Ormerod Steve Leyfield Sean Burke Angela Aspin Paul Sanders John Fry Steve Obey Roy Bray Grahm Eaton Marilyn Ashworth Roger Coton Jackie Johnson

    Apologies: Paul Rickard Pete Forman Ella Paul Free Jim Elsam Ursula Lockyer

    Minutes of previous AGM accepted - proposed JP seconded JK

    Chairman and Committee Reports are here:

    Chairman welcomed James Graham who is the chairman of the student society Brighton Real Ale Society (BRAS). James highlighted that real ale is very much a niche drink amongst students and that his society actively promoted it by holding weekly socials in pubs across the branch area where all tried the same beer and scored it. A major achievement has been to get real ale on the bar at The Venue (the Student Union bar) and has generated new CAMRA members through the close partnership between BSD branch and BRAS. The society is working on holding a beer festival in 2025.

    Election of Branch Officers

    Paul Sanders (Regional Director) took the Chair of meeting. Branch needed a new Treasurer, Secretary and Social Secretary. JP proposed Marilyn Ashworth as Secretary, Eamonn Costello and seconded by JK. JP proposed Chris Oakes as Treasurer seconded by Steve Leyfield. All remaining positions filled by the existing role holders. Unanimously voted in favour by the AGM attendees.

    Appointment of Account Auditors for 2025. This role will be filled on a volunteer basis from the membership in time for AGM 2025.

    Motions for AGM Constitution motion accepted by AGM proposed by JP and seconded by JK. Future Meetings: Good Beer Guide / POTY selection meeting open to all members Thursday 16 January at 7pm Swan Inn, Falmer (venue tbc)

    Meeting closed at 17.15pm

  • B&SD Branch POTY 2025 Tuesday 3 December 2024


    Members of the Brighton & South Downs branch of CAMRA are invited to submit nominations for our Pubs of the Year 2025 by 10th January.

    There are four categories:

    • Overall Pub of the Year
    • Cider Pub of the Year
    • Country Pub of the Year
    • Club of the Year.

    Members can make nominations for any or all of these awards.

    Please send nominations to ku.gro.armac.nothgirb@reciffo.sbup quoting your CAMRA membership number and stating why you believe the nominated outlet deserves recognition.

    Whilst beer quality is the prime consideration, you should also take account of cleanliness and hygiene including the toilets, quality of service, décor, and consistency with CAMRA's aims, such as full measures and a clearly displayed price list.

    Please also state if you are willing to be part of the assessment panel. Assessors will be required to visit ALL of the shortlisted pubs (probably between 5 and 8) and then submit a review form for each pub. Anybody making nominations or undertaking assessments must not have any connection to a pub.

    Following receipt of Nominations, a shortlist of Pubs to be surveyed will be compiled and details will then be transmitted to those Volunteer Assessors for completion of the next stage of the Competition together with Survey Forms to be completed by individuals.

  • Minutes of Branch Meeting 17 November 2024 Wednesday 20 November 2024

    Minutes Committee Meeting 18 Nov 2024

    Attendees: RW JP GE MA RW JK

    Apologies: EC JE

    First action of the Committee was to agree to co-opt Marilyn Ainsworth to the Committee pending confirmation at AGM.

    Chairman’s Report

    Ale Trail prize distribution underway. We were short-shipped 11 Large 50 stamp sweatshirts. They should arrive during the week for distribution on Sat 23rd at Welly, Shoreham.

    Good feedback from the SDBF 24 volunteers for the trip to Kissingate Brewery.

    JP supported BRAS by entering a CAMRA team at their charity quiz at Master Mariners, Marina

    Approach from Richard Ethrington who has set up Pepperpot Brewery asking CAMRA Branch to support a launch event in NY at Round Georges. Committee agreed support appropriate.

    AGM Planning

    JP confirmed 2025 would be his last year as chairman as he is already living outside of the Branch area and likely to remain so going forward.

    The position of Treasurer was discussed. JP has not had any response from the membership regarding the vacancy. If nobody suitable comes forward at the AGM the Committee should be prepared to take the role on – or Regional Director will suspend the Branch.

    JP to have 1-2-1 conversations with some of the committee members regarding their positions for 2025.

    The Branch will also need a new Secretary as current incumbent Jim Elsam is not in a position to stand for a third year.


    Treasurer - £5701.49 balance

    Pubs Office – AH set out the need to start planning for GBG and POTY survey activity. It was agreed that a physical meeting will be organised for second week of January 2025 for member nominations, review of NBSS data short-list and survey allocation.

    Preservation/Planning Issues – Glynde Steamworks to open as café bar. Jolly Boatman, Newhaven to re-open as community café (but still licensed as a pub), No news is good news re development of commercial property adjacent to Prince Albert, Brighton.

    A draft inventory has been circulated by JW and is nearly ready for publication on our website. Activity underway to source more photos to include in the report.

    Membership – As of 17/11, branch membership stood at approximately 1,129, slightly down from 1.143 and 1,155, as reported at the meetings of 20/10 and 15/9 respectively. However, the overall year to date figures show only a slightly larger number of lapses than of new members, as the net trend (in terms of gaining new members) has been upwards (albeit marginal) in earlier months in 2024.It is hoped that a planning meeting with the new committee, to be held in early 2024 will enable us to plan events to increase member engagement, with the aim of increasing our presence and activity in the local area ,to retain existing members and hopefully grow our branch membership.

    Media/Comms - The number of followers on our branch 'X' account stands at just under 400. In addition to regular posts containing interesting and relevant content, relating both to the local branch and wider, national issues, the number of those accounts we are following is increasing, with 'X' accounts being followed with the aim of increasing spread and reach of our 'X' feed. Work is continuing on actively following relevant feeds on X, with a view to expanding our reach..

    Tasting Panel -The Mid Sussex Tasting Panel met at the recent branch event at Kissingate Brewery, on 19/10, and it was a very successful meeting. A tasting panel training session was held at Brolly Brewery on 21/10, run by Kevin Travers, and it is hoped that members will become involved by joining a tasting panel local to them by completing the 12 cards and gaining their accreditation.

    The number of Brighton & South Downs members overall submitting nominations for the 2026 round of Champion Beer of Britain by the closing date (4/11) was down on last year. Effort will be made to highlight the importance and prestige of CBOB for breweries, and more work will be carried out to promote and encourage engagement (and voting).

    WhatPub – 203 updates received and actioned this calendar year. Data requested for AGM to identify those pubs that have not been updated for the longest period to prioritise in 2025.

    Regional Meeting update – Minutes now circulated. A reminder that a completely new system for planning Beer Festivals is now in place. Although the Branch has several BLO vacancies the Committee agreed that our on priority basis was the correct approach to take. We will ask at AGM for more volunteers.

    Next Meeting is the AGM 8 December 15:00 at Lewes Arms, Lewes. – Reports to John Kirkland in advance please.

  • Minutes of Branch Meeting 20 October 2024 Wednesday 23 October 2024

    Minutes of BSD Committee Meeting Sunday 20 October 2024

    Attendees: JP GE JK MA RW EC

    Apologies: AH SL UL RC

    Minutes of last meeting accepted.

    Chairman’s Report

    Feedback from 50th event and GBG launch event at E Star. Proposed holding annual GBG launch events at a pub linked to that years publication e.g New Entry or next longest anniversary?

    John K to stand down as treasurer. Agreed to seek relevant candidates from the membership via Chairman’s Newsletter.

    Ale Trail update inc the contingency plan if prize costs increase beyond the budgeted amount.

    Presentations to Flying Trunk and Kissingate.

    BRAS quiz and feedback from their stall at Fresher’s event


    Current balance is £5807.55


    As of 19/10, branch membership stood at approximately 1,143, slightly down from the 1,155 reported for the last meeting of 15/9. However, the overall year to date figures show only a slightly larger number of lapses than of new members, as the net trend (in terms of gaining new members) has been upwards (albeit marginal) in previous months. It is hoped that direct (and indirect) recent membership recruitment activities may start to yield new members, for example, the Brighton Real Ale Society having CAMRA membership collateral available at their fresher's fair in September, and also the good publicity gained from the recent 50th anniversary event at the Evening Star event in Brighton, in late September.

    Pubs Officer(s)

    Planning and preservation issues - Montreal Arms appeal dropped – so the requirement to re-instate tiles stands.

    No firm news on the development of building next to Prince Albert pub.

    Local Heritage Inventory Plan Update – Graham and Marilyn working with RW. First cut planned for 1st November. Then expand to the wider areas of the Branch

    What Pub Coordinator

    The number of Whatpub updates since 1/12/2023 is 200.

    Media and Comms

    The number of followers on our branch 'X' account continues to grow well, and now stands at just under 400. In addition to regular posts containing interesting and relevant content, relating both to the local branch and wider, national issues, the number of those accounts we are following is increasing, with 'X' accounts being followed with the aim of increasing spread and reach of our 'X' feed.

    Facebook Group members in excess of 500.

    Cider Rep/Social Secretary

    No report. Jason to chase Steve on his efforts to learn about the outstanding invoices for SDBF cider x2.

    Tasting Panel

    The Mid Sussex Tasting Panel met at the recent branch event at Kissingate Brewery, on 19 October. A tasting panel training session will be held at Brolly Brewery on 21/10, and it is hoped that members will become involved by joining a tasting panel local to them.

    Ale Trail

    Prize order to be placed this week.


    GE is the BLO for a newish brewery called Pepperpot based a Woodingdean Farm. Small and from a member of the Lewes Home Brew Club.

    Future meetings and dates for diary

    Committee Meeting on Sunday 17th November at 10.30 currently on Zoom.

    15 & 16 Nov Ale Trail Prize distribution at Brewer’s Arms

    23 Nov Ale Trail Prize distribution at Duke of Wellington

    AGM Sunday 8th December 2024 at 15:00 upstairs at Lewes Arms, Lewes.

  • Ale & Cider Trail Prize Collection days 2024 Tuesday 1 October 2024

    Prize Collection details:

    Friday Nov 15th Brewers Arms, Lewes (beer festival) Noon to 17:00

    Saturday Nov 16th Brewers Arms, Lewes (beer festival) Noon to 17:00

    Saturday Nov 23rd Duke of Wellington, Shoreham 13:00 - 17:00.

  • Minutes of Branch Meeting 18 August 2024 Thursday 22 August 2024

    Minutes of BSD Member’s Meeting Sunday 18 August 2024

    Attendees: JP AH JK RC JJ EC GE

    Apologies: Richard Williams, Jim Elsam, Marilyn Ashworth

    Chairman’s Report

    Working with GE and EC on 50th event (see later)

    Staffing of Tripel Alliance event at Harvey’s – presentation for runner-up SDBF beer of festival made

    New date for cider of SDBF presentation and Charity donation now Sat 14th Sept at 15:00 hrs Royal Oak, Barcombe.

    SDBF Beer of Festival Trip now organised for 19 October to Kissingate. A full trip plus a reserve list is in place which should keep the cost as £12pp.


    Current balance is £8829.55 including the Raystede charity chq yet to be handed over.

    Deposit for SDBF 2025 town Hall not made yet. JP to email Town Hall to ask for an estimate of cost and to enquire if early payment will be cheaper.


    The branch membership as of 18/8 stands at 1157, similar to the previous few months. It is anticipated that future events, such as the 50th anniversary/GBG event will help to raise awareness and interest in the branch and ultimately, encourage people to join. We will also have membership collateral available at the University of Brighton's freshers' day later in September at the BRAS stand.

    Pubs Officer(s)

    Taproom list produced by AH was reviewed. RC will check against current WhatPub to update as necessary.

    Planning and preservation issues - No new issues to discuss.

    Local Heritage Inventory Plan Update – Richard, Marilyn and Graham had met recently to discuss the work which Richard had completed thus far, and also to agree and standardise our interpretation of the criteria we were applying. The process is to initially identify, and then if agreed that the pub should be included, to document relevant features of the pub for the local (BSD) inventory. Richard had already carried out research on a number of pubs in the Brighton area. Graham and Marilyn will do the same for pubs in Lewes and Seaford, using a variety of resources. It was also noted that a very useful output of this work is that we will be able to compile several local heritage trails, listing pubs we have identified (and why) including the features of interest. We also identified some branch members (pub buddies etc) who may be able to assist with identifying potential pubs for inclusion outwith Brighton, Lewes and Seaford. The aim is to complete the work in Brighton, Lewes and Seaford by the end of October.

    JP asked that any pub visits for this work could be photographed and sent to RC to provide recent photos for WhatPub.

    What Pub Coordinator

    Updates still being regularly received. RC thanked those who have submitted updates.

    Media and Comms

    The branch now has over 340 followers on X, and as always, the aim is to post regularly and provide interesting and informative posts to encourage engagement.

    Facebook Group now has 480 members.

    Cider Rep/Social Secretary

    No reports received. Steve Leyfield will undertake the presentation for SDBF Perry of the Festival.

    50th Event

    The intended special guest list will be circulated to the Committee for additions/comment by GE and to have the widest possible reach the event will be added to What Brewing (if deadline met) and CAMRA HQ Events listing.

    Ale Trail

    First passport returned.

    Future meetings

    Committee Meeting on Sunday 15th September at 10.30 currently on Zoom.